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5 Ways to Judge the Quality of Menthol Crystals


Menthol crystal, a substance widely used in cosmetics, food and medical fields, may be familiar to many people. However, not everyone may be clear about what it does, how to judge its quality, and what to pay attention to when using it. Today, let’s discuss these issues in detail.


First, let’s look at what menthol crystals do. Menthol crystal is a natural organic compound that has a cooling feeling and special fragrance, so it is often used as a flavoring in food, beverages, chewing gum and candies. In addition, menthol crystals are also commonly used in cosmetics and skin care products, where they can help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation and redness, while also helping to cleanse the skin and shrink pores. In the medical field, menthol crystals are used as analgesics and antibacterials.


Next, let’s talk about how to judge the quality of menthol crystals. There are five main ways to judge the quality of menthol crystals:


Observe the color and transparency. High-quality menthol crystals should be colorless and transparent. If there are impurities or colors, it may be a sign of poor quality.


5 Ways to Judge the Quality of Menthol Crystals


Smell the scent. High-quality menthol crystals should have a fresh mint aroma. If the aroma is not strong or has other peculiar smells, it may be a quality problem.


Feeling cold. High-quality menthol crystals should have a strong cooling sensation after contacting the skin. If the cooling sensation is not obvious, it may be a quality problem.


Check the packaging. High-quality menthol crystals should have complete packaging and labels, which should indicate the production date, shelf life, manufacturer and other information.


View certificate. High-quality menthol crystals should have relevant quality certificates and inspection reports, and their quality can be judged through these documents.


Next, let’s talk about the precautions when using menthol crystals. First of all, just because menthol crystals are natural, that doesn’t mean they don’t have any side effects. Some people may be allergic to menthol and may experience redness, swelling, itching and other symptoms after use, so it is best to do a skin allergy test before use. Secondly, although the cooling sensation of menthol crystals can help soothe the skin, if used excessively, it may cause skin discomfort, so use it in moderation. Finally, menthol crystals should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and high temperatures to maintain their best condition.


High quality menthol crystal
If you want to obtain high-quality menthol crystals, fengle is your best choice. As a professional menthol crystal manufacturer, fengle has a professional production model and high-quality raw materials, and can provide you with products that meet your requirements. Welcome Contact us to learn more about fengle menthol crystals!

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